November 27, 2015
Self acceptance is giving yourself the opportunity to be free from yourself. Finding your authentic self hides in self acceptance. However, in order to have a good mental health; self acceptance is a surety that you will get there. The more happiness you’ll allow yourself to accept, receive and enjoy; the more you will have […]
Read moreNovember 26, 2015
Lamentations 3:22-24 (MSG) “God’s loyal love couldn’t have run out, His merciful love couldn’t have dried up.They’re created new every morning. How great Your faithfulness! I’m sticking with God (I say it over and over). He’s all I’ve got left.” As I was in prayer on this early morning of Thanksgiving. These words came to […]
Read moreNovember 24, 2015
2 Chronicles 16:9 (NLT) “The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. What a fool you have been! From now on you will be at war.” God is looking across the earth to and fro looking for the ones who wants to […]
Read moreNovember 20, 2015
Being grateful and showing it is another thing. Thanksgiving is around the corner and most families are getting their recipes, menus, making flight, bus and train reservations; as well as planning a trip via a vehicle. This is the time of the year that all families have Thanksgiving dinner. Well, ask yourself a question. Is […]
Read moreNovember 18, 2015
1 John 4:18 (NAS) There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love. Do you operate in fear? Have you ever checked your love level? Usually, this is the reason why. Time after time we’re afraid to do […]
Read moreNovember 16, 2015
Meditation helps us to have a direct connection to the Father! This actually allows us to speak God’s promises over and over while reaching a higher level of awareness and calmness within our spirit. After all of the days’ comings and goings, meditation definitely helps to whine down. It gets you closer to God and […]
Read moreNovember 13, 2015
Sometimes things are done out of sequence. When this is done. What should you do? Perhaps, a retaliation is done or even any adverse action taken against an employee for filing a complaint or supporting another employee’s complaint under a variety of laws. Whereas, Paris terror attacks retaliation is from ISIS? Yet, officials have raised […]
Read moreNovember 11, 2015
Romans 12:1 Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. As I reflect on this Veteran’s Day as my husband, father, uncles, cousins risked their lives for this Country. It also makes me think […]
Read moreNovember 9, 2015
“To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heavens.” ~Ecclesiastes 3:1 Seasons change for a reason. Its the way that you set the atmosphere of what to expect. Each season is different and each time, God will give you special instructions on what to do. Obeying His instruction will […]
Read moreNovember 7, 2015
No matter what your IT is. DO IT! It pays off tremendously. I say this because there can be a lot on your plate; meaning you can wear so many hats that you cannot see yourself coming or going. Well, regardless. Do IT! There comes a time that you do have to have WISDOM but […]
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