October 16, 2015
It’s arrived! Join me in celebrating. Experience Unexplainable Joy now!Here are some videos and photos of the big day. Tips, Discussions, and a Reading (via Periscope)
Read moreOctober 14, 2015
Have you ever been so focused and all kinds of distractions come to take you off course? BEWARE! Staying laser focus will help you dispel the small stuff. It’s designed to keep you off course. Stay the course! No matter what! I leave 3 morsels of joy with you: 1) Keep your motivation up – […]
Read moreOctober 12, 2015
I likened having a natural birth to giving birth to one of your dreams. In order for the birth to stay alive you have to take care of it. However, one must take care and protect the dream that was birthed. 3 morsels of joy I leave with you: 1) Be totally clear on what […]
Read moreOctober 11, 2015
Giving birth is a BEAUTIFUL thing! The joy of knowing the unexpected is priceless! God is truly a wonder because knowing that all I had to do is PUSH (Pray Until Something Happens). Well, I’ve done just that and now I’m so ECSTATIC! Now that I’ve opened my eyes to see this BEAUTIFUL baby (My […]
Read moreOctober 8, 2015
As I reflect today, I really got the revelation that I have a destiny despite of the destitution that I’ve experienced! When life struggles and disappointments come our way. Know that He is God and He is the one that knows your destiny! All we have to do is get in line and mostly get […]
Read moreOctober 5, 2015
Have you ever been stagnated before with fear on top of it? Well, I did! In fact, it put me almost in a paralyzing state! However, if you dig deep on the inside and pray for the courage to keep going. Stagnation will leave you. In fact, literally KICK IT OUT! I’m a firm believer […]
Read moreOctober 4, 2015
Hello, I am Tia “Tenacious” Titus, a.k.a. The Joy Enthusiast….I applaud you for taking the time out to visit my site. Now sit back and let’s encounter some joyous times together! Just you and me! #TheJoyEnthusiast
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