
About the author : Tia Titus is a Servant of the Lord. She is a #1 Amazon best-selling author, minister, joy enthusiast, entrepreneur, speaker, philanthropist and community advocate.


Decree and Declare Challenge No Comment

1 Peter 2:17-25 (NLT)

Respect everyone, and love the family of believers. Fear God, and respect the King.

To show self-respect in oneself says a lot about you. You are actually showing your worth. Too many returning citizens find themselves returning to prison. Although they have paid their debt and served their time, individuals with a criminal history are too often denied the opportunity at redemption and turned away from legitimate
employment, which would help engage them in productive activities that improve the quality of life for everyone and enable them to become productive members of society by being embraced back into their communities. But they are not. Instead, they are ostracized, marginalized and disenfranchised. However, I say to the returning citizen continue to strive, thrive and keep hope alive. That is a surety of dignity.

Here are 3 morsels of joy that you will experience during this challenge:

1) Dignity.

2) Know Your Identity.

3) Teach.

I will start with mine.

Day 28 ~ I decree and declare that I will have dignity, know my identity and stay teachable as I continue to SOAR!

Many of us do not know who we are. I implore you to know who you are and mostly know WHOSE you are. It’s good to strive to help others grow in character and wisdom and experience the greatest joy when we see Christ work directly in their hearts. This also will make a real and lasting impact in their hearts and lives. LET’S DECREE AND DECLARE A THING! SO IT WILL BE! JUST ASK. AMEN.

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